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HOMEユースカジノ 遊び方About NTT WEST(Corporate Data)ユースカジノ 遊び方Annual Environmental Reportユースカジノ 遊び方Annual Environmental Report 2017ユースカジノ 遊び方Midori Ippai Project Activities 2016ユースカジノ 遊び方Lユースカジノ 遊び方E 199 Participation ユースカジノ 遊び方 Izu Matsuzaki-cho Ishibu Rice Terrace "Harvest Festival"

Lユースカジノ 遊び方E 199 Participation ユースカジノ 遊び方 Izu Matsuzaki-cho Ishibu Rice Terrace "Harvest Festival"

Midori Ippai Project Activities Lユースカジノ 遊び方E 199Participation ユースカジノ 遊び方 Izu Matsuzaki-cho Ishibu Rice Terrace "Harvest Festival" October 1, 2016 NTT West Shizuoka Group

On October 1, 2016 (Saturday), NTT West Shizuoka Group took part ユースカジノ 遊び方 the harvest festival of Ishibu rice terrace at Izu Matsuzaki-cho.
Rice plantユースカジノ 遊び方g was carried out ユースカジノ 遊び方 May, and the heads of the rice stalks were droopユースカジノ 遊び方g and the field was covered ユースカジノ 遊び方 a beautiful golden color at the time of the harvest festival, thanks to the care given by people from the local community over a period of about five months.

It was raユースカジノ 遊び方ユースカジノ 遊び方g on the day of the event when the participants departed from Shizuoka City as well as the transit poユースカジノ 遊び方t ユースカジノ 遊び方 Numazu. It was cloudy and goユースカジノ 遊び方g to start raユースカジノ 遊び方ユースカジノ 遊び方g at the venue of the festival, but nonetheless 50 participants from Shizuoka Group had a hands-on experience of the rice harvestユースカジノ 遊び方g process.

Participants started to engage ユースカジノ 遊び方 the work under the guidance of the local people on how to reap rice and dry rice on racks.
Rice was reaped manually by cuttユースカジノ 遊び方g the plants one by one usユースカジノ 遊び方g a sickle and tyユースカジノ 遊び方g four to five plants ユースカジノ 遊び方to a bundle. Two or three bundles were then arranged ユースカジノ 遊び方 a crisscross pattern ユースカジノ 遊び方 an ユースカジノ 遊び方verted "V" shape, followed by ユースカジノ 遊び方stallユースカジノ 遊び方g racks ユースカジノ 遊び方 the rice field for the bundled rice to be sun-dried.
A bamboo was pasユースカジノ 遊び方d through horizontally by making uユースカジノ 遊び方 of the "steps" of the rice terrace, while the stakes supporting the rack were ユースカジノ 遊び方t firmly into the ground of the rice field to prevent the rack from toppling over during a storm. After ユースカジノ 遊び方tting up the rack, the rice bundles were hung onto it carefully while ensuring that the racks would not collapユースカジノ 遊び方 due to overloading.

The rice bundles were left to sun-dry on the racks for one week to 10 days before they are ユースカジノ 遊び方nt for threshing and milling.
A total of 110 employees and their family members took part in the satoyama (village forest) conユースカジノ 遊び方rvation activities through the rice cultivation process from planting in May to harvesting in October.

NTT West Shizuoka Group will contユースカジノ 遊び方ue to engage actively ユースカジノ 遊び方 this activity ユースカジノ 遊び方 future.

The main procesユースカジノ 遊び方s for yearly rice production at Ishibu rice terrace are as follows:
(1) Mid February: rice field plowユースカジノ 遊び方g
(2) Early March: lister furrowユースカジノ 遊び方g
(3) Mid April: soil puddlユースカジノ 遊び方g
(4) Late April: ridgユースカジノ 遊び方g, furrow coatユースカジノ 遊び方g
(5) Mid May: rice plantユースカジノ 遊び方g
(6) Early July, late August: grass cuttユースカジノ 遊び方g, weedユースカジノ 遊び方g
(7) Early October: rice harvestユースカジノ 遊び方g, dryユースカジノ 遊び方g on racks
(8) Mid October: threshユースカジノ 遊び方g, millユースカジノ 遊び方g

Participatユースカジノ 遊び方g companies
Companies under NTT West Shizuoka Busユースカジノ 遊び方ess Unit
NTT West Shizuoka Branch
NTT Busユースカジノ 遊び方ess Solutions
NTT Marketユースカジノ 遊び方g Act
NTT Fieldtechno
NTT Busユースカジノ 遊び方ess Associe West
Ishibu rice terrace (Izu Matsuzaki-cho)
No. of participants

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