Recent major efforts ユースカジノ おすすめスロット
NTT West Group held a two-day ユースカジノ おすすめスロット from June 2 to 3, 2016 (Thursday to Friday) at Toyota City of Aichi Prefecture. This training aims to raise the awareness of employees who engage in environment-related activities as well as to promote exchange of information among the personnel in charge.
A total of 48 participants, including the personnel in charge of promoting environmental protection at ユースカジノ おすすめスロット, attended this training.
On the first day, the participants listened earnestly to the lecture given by the ユースカジノ おすすめスロット government office, which was titled "Development of a Low-carbon Society in ユースカジノ おすすめスロット." This was followed by a tour to Toyota Ecoful Town, which included a presentation on new materials that incorporate mechanisms present in nature, visit to showhouses with the latest energy-saving and environment-friendly systems as well as a look at the latest fuel cell cars.
In addition, a session was also held to exchange opinions in relation to efforts on the reduction of power consumption and invigoration of the ユースカジノ おすすめスロット.
On day two of ユースカジノ おすすめスロット, a lecture was delivered by Toyota Motor Corporation on cutting-edge environment-friendly activities and endeavors. It was a very lively session with participants asking many questions and learning enthusiastically about the efforts of Toyota Motor.
ユースカジノ おすすめスロット will continue to hold such exchange sessions on environment management in future.
The training ended with a ユースカジノ おすすめスロット Toyota Motor's Motomachi Plant where participants had an actual feel of how the efforts and activities that were introduced at the earlier presentation were applied at the plant.
Through this two-day training, participants were able to learn much information about the cutting-edge environment-friendly endeavors of Toyota City and Toyota Motor Corporation, while at the same time raise their awareness about a wide variety of issues through exchange of views with different people. We hope to apply the invaluable experience from this training into the future environmental protection activities of ユースカジノ おすすめスロット.
Organizing company: ユースカジノ おすすめスロット
Venue: Aichi Prefecture, ユースカジノ おすすめスロット
No. of participants: 48