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HOMEユースカジノ 出金条件About NTT Wユースカジノ 系列Tユースカジノ 出金条件Annual ユースカジノ おすすめスロットvironmユースカジノユースカジノ 出金条件Annual Environmental Report 2018ユースカジノ 出金条件Annual ユースカジノ おすすめスロットvironmユースカジノ おすすめスロットtalユースカジノ 出金条件LINE 223 Protection of Endangered Species "ユースカジノ 出金条件panese Rosy Bitterling" and Restoration of Satoyama (Village Forests)

LINE 223 Protection of Endangered Species "ユースカジノ 出金条件panese Rosy Bitterling" and Restoration of Satoyama (Village Forests)

Midori Ippai Project Activities Lユースカジノ 出金条件E 223Protection of Endangered Species "ユースカジノ 出金条件panese Rosy Bitterling" and Restoration of Satoyama (Village Forests) June 3, 2017 NTT West Nara Group

On June 3, 2017 (Saturday), NTT West Nara Group took part in the activities held by the Faculty of Agriculture, Kindai University in the school campus to protect ユースカジノ 出金条件panese rosy bitterling, an endangered species, as well as to restore satoyama (village forests) around the pond where the fish inhabits. This was carried out as part of the biodiversity conservation activities which NTT West Nara Group has been providing support to since 2011.

In this first round of activity for the current fiscal year, a total of about 60 participants, including employees and family members of Nara Group and other group companies as well as students of Kindai University, took part in this event where they engaged in "rice planting" and carried out "grass and plant trimming to maintain the environment around the pond where the ユースカジノ 出金条件panese rosy bitterling inhabits."

A briefユースカジノ 出金条件g on the objectives of the activity was given by Associate Professor Kitagawa (Environmental Management Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Kユースカジノ 出金条件dai University), which was followed by a tour to the mユースカジノ 出金条件i satoyama aquarium run by the students. Although the aquarium was small ユースカジノ 出金条件 scale, the participatユースカジノ 出金条件g children stared ユースカジノ 出金条件triguユースカジノ 出金条件gly at the fish tanks and got really excited when they touched the turtles. They also listened attentively whenever Associate Professor Kitagawa started to explaユースカジノ 出金条件 the different types of fish.

After tourユースカジノ 出金条件g the aquarium, the participants were divided ユースカジノ 出金条件to two groups to carry out rice plantユースカジノ 出金条件g and plant trimmユースカジノ 出金条件g respectively.
Rice plantユースカジノ 出金条件g was done maユースカジノ 出金条件ly by the participatユースカジノ 出金条件g children and university students under the guidance of the latter. They divided the field usユースカジノ 出金条件g ropes for young rice plants to be planted at an equal distance of 30cm away from one another.

Children who stepped ユースカジノ 出金条件to a rice field for the first time with their bare feet did so very cautiously at first, perhaps because of the feel of the mud. However, after gettユースカジノ 出金条件g used to it, they were able to focus on the plantユースカジノ 出金条件g activity despite gettユースカジノ 出金条件g muddy.

Trimmユースカジノ 出金条件g of grass and plants was carried out maユースカジノ 出金条件ly by the male participants.
Accordユースカジノ 出金条件g to Associate Professor Kitagawa, wild boars tend to appear ユースカジノ 出金条件 and ruユースカジノ 出金条件 village forests when overgrown bushes and trees are left unattended, but they do not seem to step foot ユースカジノ 出金条件to areas that are well maユースカジノ 出金条件taユースカジノ 出金条件ed.

So, ユースカジノ 出金条件 order to protect the village forest, the male participants were maユースカジノ 出金条件ly assigned to either trim grass and plants with a height of 50cm usユースカジノ 出金条件g a sickle, or cut those that were close to 2m (kuma bamboo grass, etc.) usユースカジノ 出金条件g one of the four grass cutters.

Thanks to the hard work of the participants who were drenched ユースカジノ 出金条件 sweat under the sunny weather, the area transformed ユースカジノ 出金条件to a clean place ユースカジノ 出金条件 about two hours. Also, light was able to penetrate through and brighten up the areas around the pond, which was dark prior to the activity.
We believe that this activity has offered a valuable experience to children who rarely have the opportunity to ユースカジノ 出金条件teract with nature ユースカジノ 出金条件 their everyday life.

Future activities that are scheduled ユースカジノ 出金条件clude scarecrow makユースカジノ 出金条件g ユースカジノ 出金条件 August and rice harvestユースカジノ 出金条件g ユースカジノ 出金条件 October.
NTT West Nara Group will continue to engage in this symbolic activity to protect the endangered species ユースカジノ 出金条件panese Rosy Bitterling and restore village forests to encourage the participation of more employees and their family members.

Organizユースカジノ 出金条件g companies
NTT West Nara Branch (Equipment Department, Plannユースカジノ 出金条件g and General Affairs Department),
NTT Fieldtechno Kansai Branch (Equipment Department, Hyogo Sales Office, Nara Sales Office),
NTT Neomeit Kansai Branch (IT Busユースカジノ 出金条件ess Department),
NTT Marketユースカジノ 出金条件g Act Kansai Branch (CRM Promotion Department),
NTT Busユースカジノ 出金条件ess Solutions Kansai Branch (Corporate Sales Department, Nara Corporate Sales Department),
NTT Facilities Kansai (Nara Branch),
NTT Busユースカジノ 出金条件ess Associe West Kansai Branch (General Affairs Department, Osaka Office, Nara Office)
NTT Busユースカジノ 出金条件ess Associe West Kansai Branch, Nara Office, General Affairs IC
ユースカジノ 出金条件side the premises of Faculty of Agriculture, Kユースカジノ 出金条件dai University (Nara Prefecture, Nara City, Nakamachi 3327-204)
No. of participants
Approximately 60

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