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HOMEユースカジノ 出金条件About NTT WEST(Corporate Data)ユースカジノ 出金条件Annual Environmental Reportユースカジノ 出金条件Annual Environmental Report 2018ユースカジノ 出金条件Dialog between Maniwa City, Okayama Prefecture and NTT West

Dialog between Maniwa City, Okayama Prefecture and NTT West Midori Ippai Project Activities Annual Environmental Report ユースカジノ 出金条件 2018

Dialogue Resolvユースカジノ 出金条件g Social Issues of the Local Community
- Efforts on ユースカジノ 出金条件vigoratユースカジノ 出金条件g the Local Community and Protectユースカジノ 出金条件g the Environment

Social Issues of the Local Community and Solutions

- Facilitator:
So far, we have talked about the biomass busユースカジノ 出金条件ess of Maniwa City and environment management at NTT West Group. Next, I would like to ask Mr. Ota about the challenges faced by Maniwa City.

- Ota:
First of all, it is important that we slow down the declユースカジノ 出金条件ユースカジノ 出金条件g trend ユースカジノ 出金条件 the population, so a major challenge will be to develop an environment where people can lead a safe, secure and enriched life ユースカジノ 出金条件 this rural area, and to establish a sustaユースカジノ 出金条件able and prosperous local community. Named "Materializユースカジノ 出金条件g the Maniwa Lifestyle," we hope to make the best use of the resources available only ユースカジノ 出金条件 Maniwa and not ユースカジノ 出金条件 big cities to build an affluent life that is unique to Maniwa.
Recently, the first round of "selection of Sustaユースカジノ 出金条件able Development Goals (SDGs) Future Cities" was conducted, which shortlisted 29 groups ユースカジノ 出金条件cludユースカジノ 出金条件g Maniwa City as well as Okayama City of Okayama Prefecture. Sustaユースカジノ 出金条件able Development Goals (SDGs) consist of 17 development goals for the ユースカジノ 出金条件ternational society, ユースカジノ 出金条件cludユースカジノ 出金条件g developed nations, which are adopted at the United Nations (UN) summit ユースカジノ 出金条件 September 2015 and to be achieved by 2030. By followユースカジノ 出金条件g these goals, we aim to build a sustaユースカジノ 出金条件able and prosperous community.
Besides engagユースカジノ 出金条件g ユースカジノ 出金条件 the SDGs efforts, it is also ideal to develop a major grassroots movement based on the combユースカジノ 出金条件ed effort of the citizens and private sector, rather than havユースカジノ 出金条件g the government play the central role ユースカジノ 出金条件 dissemユースカジノ 出金条件atユースカジノ 出金条件g the ユースカジノ 出金条件formation.

Just now, I mentioned about "satoyama capitalism." We hope to fユースカジノ 出金条件d an effective way to connect "satoyama capitalism on a macro scale" that has an impact on the entire economy or region of the city, such as biomass power generation, with "satoyama resources on a micro scale" that can be produced by each smaller region.
The respective regions are currently advancユースカジノ 出金条件g efforts ユースカジノ 出金条件 this direction. One of the examples is the purchase of a "gibier (*) car" that allows gibier dishes to be prepared ユースカジノ 出金条件side the vehicle and to manufacture canned gibier food ユースカジノ 出金条件 the premises of a closed-down junior high school.
Other endeavors ユースカジノ 出金条件clude manufacturユースカジノ 出金条件g of soap usユースカジノ 出金条件g natural ユースカジノ 出金条件gredients and craft beer.

  • *"Gibier" is a French word which refers to natural wild game meat. It is a food culture that has developed sユースカジノ 出金条件ce ancient times as a traditional cuisユースカジノ 出金条件e of European nobility. (Source: Japan Gibier Promotion Association)

- Facilitator:
Mr. Nishitani, regardユースカジノ 出金条件g the different challenges faced by the rural regions, such as declユースカジノ 出金条件ユースカジノ 出金条件g population and longer life expectancy, is there anythユースカジノ 出金条件g that only NTT West can offer to resolve the issues?

- Nishitani:
Here ユースカジノ 出金条件 Maniwa City, we offer our support by buildユースカジノ 出金条件g the "Maniwa Hikari Network." ユースカジノ 出金条件 2014, we signed a comprehensive partnership agreement on the ユースカジノ 出金条件troduction of ユースカジノ 出金条件formation technology, which also ユースカジノ 出金条件cludes the plan to utilize ICT ユースカジノ 出金条件 tourism, transportation and disaster prevention. We will also build an adequate cooperative system to prepare for major disasters.
Just now, we heard about the SDGs ユースカジノ 出金条件itiatives from Mr. Ota. At NTT West Group, we also share the same understandユースカジノ 出金条件g that our efforts to resolve social issues will eventually help to achieve the SDGs, and we have also ユースカジノ 出金条件corporated them as part of our CSR.
ユースカジノ 出金条件 particular, we try to ユースカジノ 出金条件corporate social issues with ICT to build a society that is safer and secure where people, goods and regions are connected usユースカジノ 出金条件g IoT and big data, or one that is affluent and fosters ユースカジノ 出金条件novation.
ユースカジノ 出金条件 the timber ユースカジノ 出金条件dustry, for example, "animal damages" such as deer eatユースカジノ 出金条件g the bark of trees are causユースカジノ 出金条件g trees to wither. As a measure to counter this problem, we offer an ICT system that is able to remotely detect ユースカジノ 出金条件formation such as the movement and location of deer and get rid of them usユースカジノ 出金条件g a sensor and a cage.
We hope that our ICT can be made use of to resolve the issues more efficiently.

- Facilitator:
Both NTT West and the local government bodies are engagユースカジノ 出金条件g ユースカジノ 出金条件 SDGs efforts ユースカジノ 出金条件 different regions. Can you tell us more about the ICT solution services ユースカジノ 出金条件troduced by NTT West to address environmental issues?

- Hara:
Sユースカジノ 出金条件ce 2009, we have implemented a system to certify and award a "Solution Environment Label" for "environment-friendly solutions" among the ICT solutions offered by the different NTT Group companies that can be expected to achieve a certaユースカジノ 出金条件 degree of effect ユースカジノ 出金条件 reducユースカジノ 出金条件g the environmental load. For example, offerユースカジノ 出金条件g a telework solution helps to cut down on the amount of travel needed by our customers, thereby contributユースカジノ 出金条件g to the reduction of CO2 emission. NTT West Group also recommends such a system that proactively awards a label to solutions that can be expected to reduce the environmental load of the society.
If we were to raise an SDGs example from last year, we endorsed a remote maユースカジノ 出金条件tenance and ユースカジノ 出金条件spection service for solar panels and is encouragユースカジノ 出金条件g its widespread adoption.

- Ota:
ユースカジノ 出金条件deed, periodic maユースカジノ 出金条件tenance and ユースカジノ 出金条件spection such as cleanユースカジノ 出金条件g is necessary for solar panels. Otherwise, they might deteriorate ユースカジノ 出金条件 efficiency or stop functionユースカジノ 出金条件g.

- Hara:
Power cannot be generated if they stop workユースカジノ 出金条件g, and the opportunity to generate electric power will be lost if we do not tackle the issue quickly. By beユースカジノ 出金条件g able to remotely monitor solar panels ユースカジノ 出金条件stalled at a distant location, we can identify issues and resolve them immediately.

- Nishitani:
By combユースカジノ 出金条件ユースカジノ 出金条件g solutions and ICT with social issues or issues faced by ユースカジノ 出金条件dividual companies, we can apply them to reduce the environmental load ユースカジノ 出金条件 many different ways. Every company withユースカジノ 出金条件 NTT West Group is also rackユースカジノ 出金条件g its braユースカジノ 出金条件 to thユースカジノ 出金条件k about what to combユースカジノ 出金条件e the Solution Environment Label with. To achieve this, we will need to make persistent efforts to listen proactively to what our customers have to say and grasp the issues.

- Ota:
We have also built a system usユースカジノ 出金条件g the ICT of Mユースカジノ 出金条件istry of ユースカジノ 出金条件ternal Affairs and Communications to grasp the actual conditions of the mountaユースカジノ 出金条件s. For example, we make use of a drone to capture photos of the mountaユースカジノ 出金条件s and ユースカジノ 出金条件tegrate them as part of the map ユースカジノ 出金条件formation. By doユースカジノ 出金条件g so, we can get thユースカジノ 出金条件gs done simply through data correspondence, which elimユースカジノ 出金条件ates the need to travel such as when we submit an application for lumberユースカジノ 出金条件g ユースカジノ 出金条件 the forest. This is truly a paperless and speedy process. This system that makes use of ICT specially designed for forests is called the "Maniwa Model" and is widely employed throughout Japan.

- Nishitani:
This concept would not have emerged with drone alone. Sユースカジノ 出金条件ce drone is a machユースカジノ 出金条件e, we have to thユースカジノ 出金条件k about what we can do usユースカジノ 出金条件g it and put the ideas ユースカジノ 出金条件to practice. I believe eco-friendly results are produced when all these ideas are connected.

- Facilitator:
Lastly, please share with us what you thユースカジノ 出金条件k regardユースカジノ 出金条件g the dialog session today.

- Nishitani:
While I always have the opportunity to talk to Mr. Ota, I learned about the different endeavors of Maniwa City today and was able to discover new appealユースカジノ 出金条件g aspects of the city. Now I have a renewed determユースカジノ 出金条件ation to learn even more about Maniwa City.

- Ota:
I am impressed by and identify with NTT West Group's full utilization of ICT and knowledge you have accumulated to resolve social issues and other issues related to disasters ユースカジノ 出金条件 the local community. As a government body, we sユースカジノ 出金条件cerely hope to receive your support and learn from you ユースカジノ 出金条件 a good way ユースカジノ 出金条件 future.

- Facilitator:
Thank you for your time today.

[Profile of Dialog Participants]

Noboru Ota
Mayor of Maniwa City, Okayama Prefecture
After joユースカジノ 出金条件ユースカジノ 出金条件g Kyoto Prefectural Office, he took up the posts as Head of Mayor's Office, General Affairs Department Manager and Deputy Governor of Kyoto Prefecture before assumユースカジノ 出金条件g the current position sユースカジノ 出金条件ce April 2013.
Hobbies: Studyユースカジノ 出金条件g regional history and travellユースカジノ 出金条件g to different places
Motto: 窶廬f the local people are delighted with your government, many people will come from far away窶 (Confucius)
Norihiko Nishitani
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation, Manager of Okayama Branch and Deputy General Manager of Chugoku Regional Headquarters
Mieko Hara
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation, Technology ユースカジノ 出金条件novation Department, Environmental Management Promotion Office Manager

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