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Winning Eco Master Grand Prix 2017, カジマル ユースカジノ Midori Ippai Project Activities

Wins Prize as One of the Top Finalists in カジマル ユースカジノ Wins Prize as One of the Top Finalists in カジマル ユースカジノ

To cultivate awareness toward protection of the environment, NTT West recommends its employees to acquire the eco Test Award (environmental society certification test) (R) qualification that is organized by the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Ms. Kayo Hashimoto, Ms. Miwako Kawai and Ms. Etsuko Kurata from NTT Fieldtechno Tokai Branch volunteered to take part in the "カジマル ユースカジノ" held on July 23, 2017, and came in ninth place (sixth in the Corporate division) in the national ranking.

In the GRAND PRIX competition, examinees of カジマル ユースカジノ (R) form a team of three to compete with others based on the total score. カジマル ユースカジノ (R) is an introductory guide to environmental education to help learners acquire a wide range of knowledge on the ever-complicated and diversified environmental issues in a systematic way. A large number of people have taken this certification test in the past. eco-MASTER GRAND PRIX was launched in 2017 as a contest for team participants.

Winning prize as one of the top finalists in this contest has helped to heighten the environmental awareness of employees at カジマル ユースカジノ Group, while at the same time garner widespread attention from the society on the high standards of efforts by カジマル ユースカジノ Group. We will continually strive to enhance the environmental awareness of the entire Group.

Voices of Our Staff

カジマル ユースカジノ

At first, I had a tough time trying to memorize the environmental issues. By taking the eco Test (R) カジマル ユースカジノ of three, seeing how committed the other two members were drove me to fight hard so I would not drag my team down.
While I might have felt discouraged along the way and not be able to clarify my doubts if I were alone, I felt we could work it out somehow if we cooperated カジマル ユースカジノ. As the saying goes, "four eyes see more than two." It also adds to the sense of achievement.

This opportunity to sit for the test has helped to heighten my concern toward the environment, and allowed me to contribute to environmental protection カジマル ユースカジノ leader of "Himawarikai," a volunteer body under NTT Group.
I will continue to engage in efforts such as the "カジマル ユースカジノ" and "environmental beautification" activities to help conserve the global environment.

カジマル ユースカジノ

After learning about eco Test, I applied for the three-in-a-team category as I thought working with the other members could help to keep me going. Thanks to the mutual encouragements and hard work, we came in ninth place in the national ranking of "カジマル ユースカジノ."

Although we hear about recent news on extreme weather events, we hardly feel any sense of crisis due to our lack of knowledge. Now I have an actual feel of the wide range of measures that カジマル ユースカジノ Group engages in.
カジマル ユースカジノ (R) is also a very useful qualification for deepening our understanding toward our company's CSR action policies that would lead to achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations.
Most importantly, it equips us with the knowledge to detect small issues around us, and カジマル ユースカジノ continue to spread the importance of obtaining this qualification to other divisions.

カジマル ユースカジノ

Environment and eco have become familiar terms at the workplace and at home, and I wanted to understand how much I know about them and how much effort we are making in our everyday life. It was at the same time when I learned that we could enter the "カジマル ユースカジノ" as a team of three.

"Working with other colleagues in charge of the same area helps to keep me going." With three of us working together, we were able to share both our hardships and joy, and began to enjoy the process of looking up technical terms that were difficult to understand. I hope to apply this strength カジマル ユースカジノ to my duties and workplace as well.

カジマル ユースカジノ

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