GRI GRI Standards Reference Sheet
GRI Standard | Information to be Disclosed | Refer to | |
GRI301: Raw material |
G301-1 | Weight and volume of raw materials used | 2-1. ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 |
G301-2 | Recycled materials used | 2-1. ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
G301-3 | Recycled products and packaging | - | |
GRI302: Energy |
G302-1 | Energy consumption within the organization | 4. ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 |
G302-2 | Energy consumption outside the organization | 2-1. ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
G302-3 | Specific energy consumption | 4. ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
G302-4 | ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 consumption | 4. ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
G302-5 | ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 required for products and services | 4. ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
GRI303: Water |
G303-1 | Water intake by water source | 2-1. ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 |
G303-2 | Water sources that are significantly affected due to water intake | ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
G303-3 | Recycled or reused water | - | |
GRI304: Biodiversity |
G304-1 | Business sites owned, rented or managed by the organization which are located at or next to protected areas or areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas | - |
304-2 | Significant impact of the organization's activities, products or services on biodiversity | ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
G304-3 | Protection and restoration of habitats | 1-3. ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
G304-4 | Creatures included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species or list of endangered species in Japan that inhabit the area affected by the business operations of the organization | - | |
GRI305: Emission into air |
G305-1 | Direct ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 (GHG) emission (Scope 1) | 2-2. Scope of ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 |
G305-2 | Indirect ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 (GHG) emission (Scope 2) | 2-2. Scope of ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
G305-3 | Other indirect ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 (GHG) emission (Scope 3) | 2-2. Scope of ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
G305-4 | ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 (GHG) emission intensity | 4. ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
G305-5 | Reduction in ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 (GHG) emission | 4. ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
G305-6 | Emission of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) | 4. ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
G305-7 | Nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulfur oxide (SOx) and other critical emissions into the air | 4. ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
GRI306: Drainage and waste |
G306-1 | Quality of wastewater and destination of discharge | 2-1. ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 |
G306-2 | Wastes classified by type or method of disposal | 2-1. ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
G306-3 | Critical leakage | ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
G306-4 | Transport of hazardous wastes | 4. ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
G306-5 | Water areas affected by wastewater or surface running water | ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 | |
GRI307: Environmental compliance |
G307-1 | Violation of environmental laws and regulations | ユースカジノ 仮想通貨 |
GRI308: Supplier's environmental assessment |
G308-1 | New suppliers selected based on the environmental standards | - |
G308-2 | Negative environmental impact of the supply chain and measures taken | - |