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ユースカジノ イージープラン Midori Ippai Project Activities

ユースカジノ イージープラン ユースカジノ イージープラン

NTT Smile Energy, which is advancing efforts toward achieving a "cheerful energy society," has introduced a new power service to "select and utilize electric power produced from an area associated with the customer," which is now offered by Minna-denryoku for the first time in Japan under the name "ユースカジノ イージープラン," a power service for supporting one's old school.

Based on the concept of "providing support by purchasing electric power generated by one's old school," "ユースカジノ イージープラン" leases systems to be installed on the rooftop of elementary and junior high schools with the aim to spread the use of solar power, a renewable energy source. Power generated from these systems is sold as part of the service menu offered by Minna-denryoku, an electricity retailer, while NTT Smile Energy offers a platform for measuring the amount of electricity generated.

Key Features of "ユースカジノ イージープラン"

  • 1. Money is given back to their old school ユースカジノ イージープラン form of financial aids when consumers purchase electricity through this service.
  • 2. In addition to such financial aids, ユースカジノ イージープラン local government bodies can also expect income from the charges for installing the photovoltaic power generation systems at their premises, which can be allocated for renovation of their facilities.
*This service allows "ユースカジノ イージープラン" to be used as a stand-alone power supply for the evacuation center in the event of a disaster.

A new power concept, "ユースカジノ イージープラン" allows consumers to be connected with a specific power station based on their selection and offers a "clearly visible power service" that creates new values through the distribution of renewable energy.

Through establishing a "Smiling" brand that offers services for adding new values, NTT Smile Energy aims to create a society where children can live in happily through the widespread use of solar energy and other sources of "ユースカジノ イージープラン."

Business Concept Diagram

Voices of Our Staff

ユースカジノ イージープラン
Daiki Ishikura

In the past, ユースカジノ イージープラン has been engaging in efforts to promote the widespread adoption of solar power generation systems and reduction of CO2emission through "Eco Megane," a solar power generation remote monitoring service.
A new "Free Photovoltaic System Installation Project" and the "ユースカジノ イージープラン" service have now been launched for schools and other public facilities owned by the local government.
This endeavor is well received by many local government bodies as it allows them to produce ユースカジノ イージープラン locally for local consumption with ease and helps to create economic value through financial aids.
We will strive to involve a greater number of local government bodies and develop it into a business that contributes environmentally to the local community.

ユースカジノ イージープラン

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