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Third-party Opinions Midori Ippai Project Activities ユースカジノ キャッシュバック in 2019

ユースカジノ キャッシュバック ユースカジノ キャッシュバック

Professor Katsuhiko Kokubu, ユースカジノ キャッシュバック, Kobe University

Professor Katsuhiko Kokubu, ユースカジノ キャッシュバック, Kobe University

Professor Kokubu completed his doctoral program at the Graduate School of Business, Osaka City University, where he was conferred the degree of Doctor in Business Administration. After working as an associate professor at Osaka City University and Kobe University, he became a professor at the ユースカジノ キャッシュバック in Kobe University in 2001. In 2014, he was promoted to Dean of the Graduate School. Professor Kokubu also holds posts such as Chairperson of ISO/TC207/WG8 and Chairperson of MFCA Forum Japan. His major publications include, 窶廣ccountability and Business Ethics,窶 (Yuhikaku Publishing, 2017), 窶廝asics of CSR窶 (Chuokeizai-sha, 2017), and 窶廰ow-carbon Supply Chain Operation窶 (Chuokeizai-sha, 2015).

窶廸TT West Group Environmental Statement窶?/h3>

Two noteworthy topics for FY2019 are formulation of the 窶廸TT West Group Environmental Declaration窶 and establishment of the 窶廸TT West Group Environmental Goals.窶 Three pillars are presented in the 窶廢nvironmental Statement窶 窶 窶彭ecarbonization,窶 窶徂armonizing with nature窶 and 窶彡ircular economy,窶 and an environmental goal is set for each of the pillars. These three pillars are appropriate as the mainstay of the Group窶冱 environmental activities. Another commendable point is the aim to reduce greenhouse gas emission to half the level compared to that in 2010 by 2050. To achieve resource recycling, a goal has also been established to 窶徇aintain zero emission.窶 While this is also an appropriate target, it would be desirable to present a vision on how ユースカジノ キャッシュバック plans to play a leading role in a society based on a circular economy.

ユースカジノ キャッシュバック to promote SDGs

In the message from the President, it was also highlighted that ユースカジノ キャッシュバック places importance on the correlation with the SDGs. However, if we look at the description of the activities, it seems that the specific activities still do not have a well-defined association with the SDGs. As a company, ユースカジノ キャッシュバック has a strong influence on the local regions, so I think it would be good to also incorporate efforts that focus on specific SDGs projects, even though it may be for a limited period of time. In particular, the concept of contributing toward reducing the load on the global environment through ICT aims at pursuing the two objectives of building business and a sustainable society, and thus can be associated more easily with the goals and targets of the SDGs.

ユースカジノ キャッシュバック

One of the characteristics of ユースカジノ キャッシュバック is the wide area of sales and its deep ties with the local communities. For this reason, there are far-reaching effects in rolling out the 窶廴idori Ippai Project窶 in various regions. Also, initiatives such as providing support to the 窶廣fuhi Summit窶 are of high importance as part of the endeavors to contribute to the local communities. I hope proactive efforts can be put into such community services from the environmental perspective as they can only be implemented by ユースカジノ キャッシュバック. Regional revitalization is one of the greatest challenges faced by the Japanese society, and I look forward to contributions from ユースカジノ キャッシュバック in this respect.

Engaging in activities that involve the supply chain

ユースカジノ キャッシュバック measures the level of greenhouse gas emission of the entire supply chain. Results of the measurement show that the level is highest for Scope 3 emissions (emission by the entire supply chain). Reduction of this component is not possible without cooperation from the suppliers and customers, thus I hope to see activities that involve the entire supply chain.

Response to Third-party Opinion

In this annual report, the ユースカジノ キャッシュバック Group Environmental Statement and Environmental Goals have been newly established to shift from reduction of paper and electricity use as well as waste generated toward promoting 窶彭ecarbonization,窶 窶徂armonizing with nature窶 and 窶彡ircular economy窶? We will also engage in environmental conservation activities together with all the other stakeholders. We will establish appropriate vision and goals in line with trends such as the plastic-free movement when promoting a recycling-oriented society.

We are currently striving to promote the widespread adoption of 窶彳nvironment-friendly ICT窶 from the perspective of SDGs to lighten the load on the global environment through ICT. ユースカジノ キャッシュバック also review communication in relation to SDGs.

For biodiversity conservation activities, we have been rolling out the initiative for 窶彳veryone to grow Afuhi (hollyhocks)窶 since the past fiscal year by having employees of the entire office building at the different regions to become the 窶彷oster parents窶 of hollyhocks. In the 30 prefectures across the entire ユースカジノ キャッシュバック area, we succeeded in carrying out activities that involve a total of 10,000 participants for five consecutive years. We will continue to further promote activities in cooperation with the local communities to contribute to regional revitalization.

To achieve the environmental goal of 窶彭ecarbonization,窶 we have also taken into consideration reduction of Scope 3 greenhouse gas emission by promoting initiatives jointly with the supply chain. ユースカジノ キャッシュバック first hold dialogues with all the stakeholders, followed by reviewing specific activities that will involve both suppliers and customers.

Environment Management Promotion Office
Technology Innovation Department
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation

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