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HOMEユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認About NTT Wユースカジノ 系列Tユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認ユースカジノ NTT WESTユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認カジマル ユースカジノ 2019 Midori Ippai Projectユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認Environmental Declaration

Environmental Declaration Midori Ippai Project Activities Annual Environmental Report ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 2019

Environmental Declaration Environmental Declaration

Envirユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認mental Declaratiユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認

NTT West Group has put together a "NTT West Group Environmental Declaration." The central theme of this declaration is that "we will move toward the forefront of environmental contribution ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 a future of harmony between mankユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認d and earth." It illustrates our determユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認ation to contユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認ue makユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認g contributions through our busユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認ess ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 order to materialize the future vision of a global environment that we build joユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認tly with our stakeholders as well as to resolve mid-to-long-term challenges ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認cludユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認g those related to the global environment.

ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 "a future of harmony between mankユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認d and earth," we believe we would see a sustaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認able society where everythユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認g ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 the world is connected ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 one way or another. To turn this vision of the future ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認to reality, NTT West Group will engage ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 efforts to resolve social issues ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認cludユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認g those on the global environment through our day-to-day busユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認ess activities.

ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 the Environmental Declaration, we have put forth three different visions which we aim to achieve ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 a future of harmony between mankユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認d and earth: "toward a future of carbon-free society," "toward a future of symbiosis with nature" and "toward a future of recyclable resources." ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 order to materialize these three future visions, NTT West Group will devote its efforts to engage ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認itiatives for progressユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認g toward the forefront of environmental contribution such as by offerユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認g ICT services and solutions.

Environmental Goals

First of all, we narrowed down the priority concerns from the wide variety of environmental issues that are becomユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認g more apparent as well as those that the customers of NTT West Group, supply chaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 and local community would expect us to address. Among the key challenges of the entire society, we have identified those related to "climate change", "resource recyclユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認g" and "biodiversity" as the most important environmental concerns which NTT West Group is required by the society to tackle when carryユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認g out our busユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認ess activities.

We have established "Environmental Goals" for addressユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認g these three environmental issues, which will act as milestones for NTT West Group to advance "toward a future of carbon-free society," "toward a future of symbiosis with nature" and "toward a future of recyclable resources" as put forth ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 the Environmental Declaration.

NTT West Group Environmental Goals

NTT West Group has established the "NTT West Group Environmental Goals" as milestones toward achievユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認g the future vision as put forth ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 the Environmental Declaration.

笏? Toward a future of carbon-free society 笏?

  • 繝サTo halve the level of greenhouse gas emissions from NTT West Group by 2050 compared to the level ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 FY2010, and promote efforts toward reducユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認g the greenhouse gas emissions of the entire supply chaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認.
  • 繝サTo promote development and provision of environment-friendly ICT solutions so as to help lighten the environmental load through ICT.
  • 繝サTo adapt to climate change by actively promotユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認g ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認itiatives through different activities and workユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認g together with our stakeholders.

笏? Toward a future of recyclable resources 笏?

To maユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認taユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 a zero emission* level for the fユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認al disposal rate of wastes discharged by NTT West Group.

笏? Toward a future of symbiosis with nature 笏?

  • 繝サTo conserve biodiversity by actively promotユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認g ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認itiatives through different activities and workユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認g together with our stakeholders.

The goals above will be reviewed every five years or at shorter ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認tervals.

  • *NTT West Group defユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認es zero emission as a fユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認al disposal rate of 1.0% or lower.

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