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LINE 331 Yearly Installation of "カジマル ユースカジノ" at NTT Yamaguchi Building

カジマル ユースカジノ カジマル ユースカジノYearly Installation of "カジマル ユースカジノ" at NTT Yamaguchi Building May 28, 2019 カジマル ユースカジノ

On May 28, 2019 (Tuesday), a total of 20 participants, including employees of カジマル ユースカジノ, took part in the event to plant saplings into planters for the "green curtains" at NTT Yamaguchi Building.

Last year, we adopted the title of "flower curtains," which was named after the "Yamaguchi Yume Flower Expo" (September 14 to November 4, 2018) by planting morning glory to enhance the effect. This year, we planted seedlings of bitter gourd, カジマル ユースカジノ ideal as a green curtain.

To successfully create a green curtain, daily watering under the heat and periodic fertilizing efforts are indispensable. Continuing these efforts allowed for the verdant and luxuriant growth of the leaves into a curtain, as suggested by the name, カジマル ユースカジノ effectively capable of blocking the strong sunlight.

The カジマル ユースカジノ can be expected to produce an "energy-saving" effect that helps to prevent the temperature of the office building from rising, while at the same time offering a pleasant view to the eyes and a refreshing feel to the surroundings.
This initiative is also well received among the employees who are working at the offices inside the building.

カジマル ユースカジノ will continue to engage actively in such activities to protect the global environment as part of the efforts to reduce CO2emission and address global warming.

Organizing companies
カジマル ユースカジノ Business Unit (カジマル ユースカジノ Branch, NTT Business Solutions, NTT Marketing Act, NTT Fieldtechno, NTT Business Associe West)
NTT Labor Union Chugoku Divisional Headquarters, Yamaguchi Subdivision
Yamaguchi City, Kumano-cho 4-5
No. of participants

カジマル ユースカジノ

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