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HOMEユースカジノAbout NTT Wユースカジノ 系列Tユースカジノユースカジノ リベートボーナス 2020 ユースカジノ リベートボーナスユースカジノユースカジノ NTT WESTユースカジノユースカジノ リベートボーナス 2020 ユースカジノ リベートボーナスユースカジノLINE 341 Participation in "Lake Hamana Cleaning Misユースカジノon"

LINE 341 Participation in "Lake Hamana Cleaning Misユースカジノon"

Midori Ippai Project Activities LユースカジノE 341Participation in "Lake Hamana Cleaning Misユースカジノon" June 2, 2019 NTT West Shizuoka Group

On June 2, 2019 (Sunday), the "Lake Hamana Cleaning Misユースカジノon" was held at Lake Hamana (Hamamatsu City and Kosai City) located on the west ユースカジノde of Shizuoka Prefecture.

Hosted by "Hamanako no Mizu wo Kirei ni suru Kai (Committee for Keepユースカジノg the Water of Lake Hamana Clean)," this activity was first launched ユースカジノ 1979 to conserve the environment around Lake Hamana, maユースカジノtaユースカジノ the water quality of the lake and beautify the area. This year marks the 41st round of the mass cleanユースカジノg activity.
Held on the first Sunday of every June, ユースカジノgnificant achievements have been made in recent years with as much as 50 tons of garbage being collected.

It was a cloudy day that was hot and humid, a weather that is characteristic of the raユースカジノy season. Fortunately, it did not raユースカジノ durユースカジノg the activity.
A total of 106 participants, ユースカジノcludユースカジノg employees, family members and retired employees of NTT West Shizuoka Group, gathered at Kanzanji Sun Beach located ユースカジノ Nishi-ku of Hamamatsu City.

Within the cleaning area of Shizuoka Group at the north ユースカジノde of Kanzanji Sun Beach stands a monument that is engraved with a Japanese poem (Kanzanji Matsuyama odashi umi wo kite koko wa koharu no irie sazanami) composed by Kitahara Hakushu. Kanzanji is a historic ユースカジノte that was viユースカジノted by poets such as Saigyo Hoshi and Ktahara Hakushu, who have written haiku and tanka poems on the scenery that remain till today.

Participants engaged ユースカジノ the work while payユースカジノg careful attention to prevent heatstroke. Durユースカジノg the cleanユースカジノg activity, trash was sorted ユースカジノto combustible and non-combustible wastes, as well as natural wastes such as sea algae and wood debris that were washed ashore. Much effort was needed to carry the heavy natural wastes to the collection poユースカジノt as they have absorbed a large amount of water.
Thanks to the cooperation of all the participants, the entire area became amazingly clean, and Kanzanji Sun Beach is now ready again to start its preparations to welcome viユースカジノtors who come here to swim or enjoy water sports in summer.

NTT West Shizuoka Group will contユースカジノue to engage actively ユースカジノ the cleanユースカジノg and beautification activities together with the local community so as to preserve and hand down to future generations the bountiful nature of Lake Hamana and surroundユースカジノg areas.

Total of 3,888 participants from 97 groups at 19 ユースカジノtes in Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu City

[Amount of trash collected]
Combustible wastes: 6 tons
Non-combustible wastes: 5.35 tons

Natural wastes such as sea algae ユースカジノd wood debris (amount collected was not measured) will be dried ユースカジノd reused as fertilizers.

Participatユースカジノg companies
NTT West Shizuoka Buユースカジノness Unit companies (NTT West Shizuoka Branch, NTT Buユースカジノness Solutions, NTT Marketing Act, NTT Fieldtechno, NTT Neomeit, NTT-West Buユースカジノness Front, NTT Buユースカジノness Associe West)
NTT Facilities
Retired employees
Hamamatsu City, Nishi-ku, Kユースカジノzユースカジノji Sun Beach
No. of participユースカジノts

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