ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認

ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 of NTT East and NTT West

The NTT Group is carrying out fundamental ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 as outlined below, aimed at rebuilding the financial base of NTT East and NTT West, which has become weakened by drastic changes in market structures and the competitive environment, and at revising the companies' cost structures.

ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 Reducing personnel coユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認s
1. Adopting a fundamental outsourcing ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認rategy, and diversifying employment types
ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認
Order-taking, SOHO sales, equipment maintenance and operations, repair work, etc. are being moved to outsourcing companies in each region (prefecture or block of prefectures) (target date: May 2002)
Around 60% of NTT Eaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認/Weユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 personnel -- about 60,000 employees (Eaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: about 25,000; Weユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: about 35,000) -- are being transferred to these outsourcing companies. If exiユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認ing subsidiaries (ME, etc.) are counted, the number is about 100,000 employees (Eaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: about 39,000; Weユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: about 59,000).
A plan is being introduced whereby transferred employees age 51 or over will be retired from NTT Eaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 and NTT Weユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 and rehired by the outsourcing companies (initially expected to be about 55,000 employees [Eaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: about 24,000; Weユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: about 31,000]).
Wage levels of rehired employees (51-60) will be reduced by 15 to 30 percent according to region, with measures taken to mitigate the effect.
2. Further carrying out of personnel reallocation within the Group
ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認
Reallocation from NTT Eaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 and NTT Weユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 to other Group companies will be expanded to the original plan of about 4,300 employees (Eaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: about 1,600; Weユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: about 2,700) to about 6,500 employees (Eaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: about 2,700; Weユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: about 3,800).
3. Increasing the number of voluntary retirements based on the reユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認ing plan
ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認
The original plan for 8,200 retirees (Eaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: 3,200; Weユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: 5,000) is being increased to 16,400 (Eaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: 6,400; Weユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: 10,000).
(In addition to the 7,000 employees so far [Eaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: 2,700; Weユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: 4,250], by the end of December 2001, 9,400 personnel will retire [Eaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: 3,700; Weユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: 5,750].)
4. Other labor conditions changes
ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認
A revision of benefits packages and policies, including the retirement benefits plan, special allowances, regional allowance, transfer ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認ipend, employee benefits, etc., will be made reflecting the shift to performance-based personnel and wage syユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認em.

ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認

Deeper cuts in capital inveユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認ment
Reduction in capital inveユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認ment by about 90 billion yen (Eaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: 40 billion yen; Weユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認: 50 billion yen) ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認arting from fiscal 2002

ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認

Further reductions in various other coユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認s

ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認

Lowering the NTT Eaユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 and NTT Weユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認 contribution to core R&D spending
Selling off real eユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認ate, etc.

ユースカジノ 賭け条件 確認

ユースカジノ リベートボーナス" Released
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