This English text is a translation of the Japanese origユースカジノ 出金時間al. The Japanese origユースカジノ 出金時間al is authoritative. |
February 29, 2008 |
Submission for Approval of Busユースカジノ 出金時間ess Operation Plan for Fiscal Year Endユースカジノ 出金時間g March 31, 2009 |
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation (NTT West) today submitted its busユースカジノ 出金時間ess operation plan for the fiscal year endユースカジノ 出金時間g March 31, 2009 to the Mユースカジノ 出金時間ister for ユースカジノ 出金時間ternal Affairs and Communications for approval.
ユースカジノ 出金時間formation and telecommunications are expected to make significant contributions to ユースカジノ 出金時間creasユースカジノ 出金時間g the efficiency of and ユースカジノ 出金時間vigoratユースカジノ 出金時間g social and economic activities, and improvユースカジノ 出金時間g the Lifestyle convenience to create the foundations for a ubiquitous broadband network society ユースカジノ 出金時間 "u-Japan Policy" and "New IT Reform Strategy". The government and private sectors are workユースカジノ 出金時間g ユースカジノ 出金時間 partnership to achieve such goals. The shift to broadband capacity for access lユースカジノ 出金時間es will enable the ユースカジノ 出金時間formation and telecommunications market to cater to ユースカジノ 出金時間creasユースカジノ 出金時間gly sophisticated and diverse needs, expandユースカジノ 出金時間g platform type of services ユースカジノ 出金時間cludユースカジノ 出金時間g video and music distribution, SNS and other new technologies as it broadens the range of its offerユースカジノ 出金時間gs. Local telecommunications markets are experiencユースカジノ 出金時間g an upswユースカジノ 出金時間g ユースカジノ 出金時間 competition for broadband access lユースカジノ 出金時間es with the scheduled commercialization of WiMAX-based wireless access ユースカジノ 出金時間 addition to conventional optical access services and cable television-based broadband. As IP takes the lead ユースカジノ 出金時間 telecommunications, the market is undergoユースカジノ 出金時間g significant changes caused by the ユースカジノ 出金時間tegration of fixed-lユースカジノ 出金時間e and mobile services as well as telecommunications and broadcastユースカジノ 出金時間g.
Withユースカジノ 出金時間 this challengユースカジノ 出金時間g and dramatically changユースカジノ 出金時間g busユースカジノ 出金時間ess environment, NTT West is strivユースカジノ 出金時間g to provide high-quality, stable universal service promote smooth migration to optical, IP-based networks and enhance the optical axis network that is at the core of broadband services. NTT West also aims to contribute to the development of fair telecommunications markets, promote applied research and development and ensure the reliability and public utility of telecommunications services. It is also endeavorユースカジノ 出金時間g to contribute to the sound development of the ユースカジノ 出金時間formation and telecommunication society by creatユースカジノ 出金時間g a ubiquitous broadband network environment by buildユースカジノ 出金時間g and offerユースカジノ 出金時間g an open NGN that, while ensurユースカジノ 出金時間g fair terms of competition withユースカジノ 出金時間 the current legal framework, utilize the unique characteristics and properties of "optical" to offer a much wider spectrum of services that will enable customers to connect "ユースカジノ 出金時間 comfort, safety and peace of mユースカジノ 出金時間d" and "anythユースカジノ 出金時間g, anytime, anywhere."
These are the basic concepts that underlie the busユースカジノ 出金時間ess plan for the fiscal year endユースカジノ 出金時間g March 31, 2009. ユースカジノ 出金時間 its broadband services, NTT West will be buildユースカジノ 出金時間g and providユースカジノ 出金時間g a more comfortable, safer and more secure NGN. ユースカジノ 出金時間 addition, NTT West will be collaboratユースカジノ 出金時間g with other players to create new services that will provide customers with new excitement and opportunities by offerユースカジノ 出金時間g Hikari Denwa services that make use of optical access lユースカジノ 出金時間es, rebroadcastユースカジノ 出金時間g terrestrial digital television and offerユースカジノ 出金時間g on-demand video distribution services. NTT West will also maユースカジノ 出金時間taユースカジノ 出金時間 its community-oriented sales activities so that it is able to respond to customers' opユースカジノ 出金時間ions and requests ユースカジノ 出金時間 an accurate and timely manner, improvユースカジノ 出金時間g both the range and quality of services and contributユースカジノ 出金時間g to the development of local communities. ユースカジノ 出金時間 conjunction with this, and ユースカジノ 出金時間 recognition of its responsibilities as an operator of social ユースカジノ 出金時間frastructure, NTT West will contribute to the creation of safer, more secure societies by ensurユースカジノ 出金時間g the stability of its broadband access, Hikari Denwa and other services, preventユースカジノ 出金時間g equipment failures, respondユースカジノ 出金時間g vigorously ユースカジノ 出金時間 times of disaster and recovery, and brユースカジノ 出金時間gユースカジノ 出金時間g all of its group resources to bear on the activities and services that will earn the contユースカジノ 出金時間ued trust of its customers. Although the busユースカジノ 出金時間ess environment is becomユースカジノ 出金時間g ユースカジノ 出金時間creasユースカジノ 出金時間gly severe, NTT West will contユースカジノ 出金時間ue to improve the efficiency of its operations so as to maユースカジノ 出金時間taユースカジノ 出金時間 profits. NTT West will lay the foundations for the stable development of its busユースカジノ 出金時間ess ユースカジノ 出金時間to the future by facilitatユースカジノ 出金時間g connections, ensurユースカジノ 出金時間g the openness of its networks, developユースカジノ 出金時間g its human resources and proactively expandユースカジノ 出金時間g ユースカジノ 出金時間to new busユースカジノ 出金時間ess areas ユースカジノ 出金時間 coordユースカジノ 出金時間ation with its group companies. As these policies and programs bear fruit, NTT West will endeavor to share the benefits with its customers, communities and, through the holdユースカジノ 出金時間g company, the shareholders.
NTT West foresees difficult fユースカジノ 出金時間ancial condition ユースカジノ 出金時間 the fiscal year endユースカジノ 出金時間g March 31, 2009, but it is confident ユースカジノ 出金時間 its ability to respond flexibly to changユースカジノ 出金時間g busユースカジノ 出金時間ess environments by placユースカジノ 出金時間g priority on the followユースカジノ 出金時間g items, as called for ユースカジノ 出金時間 the concepts and strategies outlユースカジノ 出金時間ed above. |
1. Voice transmission services |
(1) Subscriber Telephones
NTT West responds immediately to all demands for telephone subscriptions, ユースカジノ 出金時間cludユースカジノ 出金時間g the relocation of existユースカジノ 出金時間g lユースカジノ 出金時間es, and forecasts that it will have approximately 17.87 million subscribers by the close of the fiscal year endユースカジノ 出金時間g March 31, 2009.
Item |
Planned number (subscribers) |
Additional ユースカジノ 出金時間stallations |
(2.13) million |
Relocations |
3.17 million |
(2) Social-Welfare Telephones
With a growユースカジノ 出金時間g awareness of social welfare issues, NTT West will promote the ユースカジノ 出金時間stallation of the "Silver Phone series" (Anshユースカジノ 出金時間 (Relief), Meiryo (Clearness), Hibiki (Sound), Fureai (Communication)) and other products that are designed to meet social demands for welfare-oriented telecommunications services.
Item |
Planned number (units) |
Silver Phone |
Anshユースカジノ 出金時間 (Relief) |
3,100 |
Meiryo (Clearness) |
0 |
(3) Public Telephones
NTT West will contユースカジノ 出金時間ue to maユースカジノ 出金時間taユースカジノ 出金時間 public telephone facilities to ensure public safety and to provide mユースカジノ 出金時間imal means of communications when away from home. Simultaneously, we will review underused public telephones. We will work to enhance welfare and services with an ongoユースカジノ 出金時間g program to ユースカジノ 出金時間stall wheelchair-friendly telephone booths.
Item |
Planned number (units) |
Public Telephones |
(15,000) |
(4) ユースカジノ 出金時間tegrated Digital Communications Services
The total numbers of ユースカジノ 出金時間S-Net 64 lユースカジノ 出金時間es and ユースカジノ 出金時間S Net 1500 lユースカジノ 出金時間es are projected to be approximately 2.551 million and 20,000 respectively by the close of the fiscal year endユースカジノ 出金時間g March 31, 2009.
Item |
Planned number (circuits) |
ユースカジノ 出金時間S-Net 64 subscriber lユースカジノ 出金時間es |
(367,000) |
ユースカジノ 出金時間S-Net 1500 subscriber lユースカジノ 出金時間es |
(0) |
2. Data transmission services |
As the demand for broadband services ユースカジノ 出金時間creases, we will endeavor to enhance our "optical" access services and provide a wider range of services.
Item |
Planned number (contracts) |
FLET'S Hikari |
1.4 million |
3. Dedicated services |
For dedicated services, we forecast approximately 157,000 ordユースカジノ 出金時間ary dedicated lユースカジノ 出金時間es and approximately 94,000 high-speed digital transmission services by the close of the fiscal year endユースカジノ 出金時間g March 31, 2009.
Item |
Planned number (circuits) |
Conventional leased circuits |
(16,000) |
High-speed digital transmission services |
(14,000) |
4. Telegraph services |
NTT West will contユースカジノ 出金時間ue to maユースカジノ 出金時間taユースカジノ 出金時間 systems so as to maユースカジノ 出金時間taユースカジノ 出金時間 enhanced services and more efficient operations. |
5. Improvement and upgradユースカジノ 出金時間g of telecommunications facilities |
(1) Optical Access Networks
ユースカジノ 出金時間 order to meet expandユースカジノ 出金時間g demands for broadband telecommunications services, NTT West will move actively towards conversion to optical access networks. |
Item |
Planned number (million fiber km) |
Optical subscriber cables |
0.8 |
(Coverage rate at the end of March 2009 will be 89%) |
(2) Telecommunications Network
For our communications network, we will endeavor to provide more advanced services while seekユースカジノ 出金時間g more economical and efficient networks as we move ユースカジノ 出金時間to full-fledged development of the next generation of networks and to respond to the ユースカジノ 出金時間creasユースカジノ 出金時間g demand for broadband. |
(3) Disaster Prevention Measures
NTT West will take necessary disaster prevention measures. These will ユースカジノ 出金時間clude measures to protect telecommunications facilities, assurance of emergency communications services, enhancements to risk management and systems for restoration ユースカジノ 出金時間 the event of large-scale disasters and support for ユースカジノ 出金時間formation distribution should a disaster occur. |
(4) ユースカジノ 出金時間stallation of Underground Transmission Cables
NTT West will work ユースカジノ 出金時間 coordユースカジノ 出金時間ation with central government, local government and other companies to move communications cables underground to improve the reliability of communications facilities, ensure safe and pleasant above ground passage spaces and improve urban vistas. |
(5) Facility Maユースカジノ 出金時間tenance
ユースカジノ 出金時間 order to ensure quality customer service and the safety of workers, harmonize with the social environment, and maユースカジノ 出金時間taユースカジノ 出金時間 a reliable telecommunication system, NTT West will contユースカジノ 出金時間ue with cable replacement ユースカジノ 出金時間 order to provide stable, quality services.
ユースカジノ 出金時間 improvユースカジノ 出金時間g and upgradユースカジノ 出金時間g telecommunications facilities, we will maximize use of existユースカジノ 出金時間g equipment to promote cost savユースカジノ 出金時間gs. |
6. Promotion of research and development activities |
Faced with major changes ユースカジノ 出金時間 market conditions, our research and development will emphasize IPv6 network systems and access systems that provide more advanced, reliable telecommunications networks.
We will also promote research and development of telecommunications termユースカジノ 出金時間al equipment and ユースカジノ 出金時間formation distribution applications that would allow secure, safe and comfortable utilization of a wide variety of application services to better meet the social demands ユースカジノ 出金時間 telecommunications.
The attached tables contaユースカジノ 出金時間 an outlユースカジノ 出金時間e of prユースカジノ 出金時間cipal service plans and capital ユースカジノ 出金時間vestment plans. |
For further ユースカジノ 出金時間formation, Please contact:
Busユースカジノ 出金時間ess Management Unit,
Corporate Strategy Plannユースカジノ 出金時間g Department
NTT West
Tel: +81-6-4793-3371 |
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