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ユースカジノ おすすめスロット
ユースカジノ おすすめスロット
ユースカジノ おすすめスロット

June 30, 2009

ユースカジノ おすすめスロット Submission of Profit and Loss Schedules for Designated Telecommunications Services

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation today submitted to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, the ユースカジノ おすすめスロット and the Schedule of Profit and Loss for Basic Telecommunications Services for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2009, compiled in accordance with the Telecommunications Business Accounting Regulations, as per Attachments 1 and 2.

* Information on the calculation of costs related to the basic charges for subscriber telephones and ISDN services, etc. is also disclosed on the company's website, ユースカジノ おすすめスロット aid customers to better understand the costs related to these services. (Japanese Only)

Website URL:

- Schedule of Profit Schedule of Profit
- Schedule of Profit Schedule of Profit

ユースカジノ おすすめスロット Inquiries:
Cost Management Section, Accounts and Finance Department
ユースカジノ おすすめスロット
Tel: +81-6-4793-3211
ユースカジノ おすすめスロット

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