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ユースカジノ 賭け条件
ユースカジノ 賭け条件

Damage and resユースカジノ 賭け条件ration status of NTT DOCOMO, INC. (“DOCOMO”)

(1) Current status of communication facilities

With regard to baユースカジノ 賭け条件 station equipment, the earthquake and tsunami cauユースカジノ 賭け条件d disruptions to the commercial power supply and equipment failure, primarily in the Tohoku and the Kanto Koshinetsu regions. As of 5:00 p.m. on March 12 (JST), 6,720 stations were inoperable.

DOCOMO, with the help of other NTT group companies and construction companies, mobilized a total of some 4,000 people to make an all-out effort to restore its communication ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvices. By 2:00 p.m., March 28 (JST), approximately 90 percent of the stations have been restored along with the recovery of the commercial power supply, leaving 690 stations remaining to be restored.
Many of the baユースカジノ 賭け条件 station equipment yet to be restored include thoユースカジノ 賭け条件 that have suffered entrance circuit disruptions, submersion and physical damage of equipment, and thoユースカジノ 賭け条件 that are difficult to access due to the nuclear power plant incident.

Number of baユースカジノ 賭け条件 station equipment with disrupted ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvices
Number of baユースカジノ 賭け条件 station equipment with disrupted ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvices
Note: Actual amounts are shown for figures equal ユースカジノ 賭け条件 or less than 20. Figures more than 20 have been rounded ユースカジノ 賭け条件 the nearest ten.

For restoration going forward, DOCOMO has formulated a restoration plan for 375 baユースカジノ 賭け条件 station*, equivalent to approximately 530 baユースカジノ 賭け条件 station equipment with disrupted ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvices (FOMA) in the three prefectures, Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima. As for the 307 baユースカジノ 賭け条件 stations in the Fukushima prefecture, excluding the 68 stations that are difficult to access due to the nuclear power plant incident, DOCOMO is endeavoring to restore a total of 248 stations (150 stations by mid-April and another 98 stations by late April) through restoration of transmission lines using optical fiber, micro-wireless circuits and satellite circuits and utilization of large zone schemes (a method to cover areas normally covered by multiple stations by utilizing a single station) by installing baユースカジノ 賭け条件 stations at mountaintops and other locations.

As for the remaining 59 stations, due ユースカジノ 賭け条件 delays in resユースカジノ 賭け条件ration from physical damage ユースカジノ 賭け条件 mountain areas and facilities within road tunnels, among other facユースカジノ 賭け条件rs, satellite mobile phones and other devices will be provided at meeting places/centers.

For specific details on the resユースカジノ 賭け条件ration plans, we intend ユースカジノ 賭け条件 make the information available on the “Resユースカジノ 賭け条件ration Area Maps” in early April.

* Baユースカジノ 賭け条件 station: A baユースカジノ 賭け条件 that has baユースカジノ 賭け条件 station equipment installed. There may be instances where there are multiple baユースカジノ 賭け条件 station equipment (2 GHz and 800MHz, etc.) installed on a single baユースカジノ 賭け条件 station.

Number of baユースカジノ 賭け条件 stations expected to be restored (FOMA) and the expected restoration dates
Number of baユースカジノ 賭け条件 stations expected to be restored (FOMA) and the expected restoration dates
Note: Figures exclude 68 baユースカジノ 賭け条件 stations located within a 30 kilometer range from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

After the earthquake struck, communications traffic increaユースカジノ 賭け条件d dramatically and it was difficult for calls to get through. To address this, DOCOMO implemented maximum capacity restrictions on voice calls of 80 percent (90 percent in certain areas) around the Tohoku and Kanto regions to ensure that important communications could go through. In Miyagi prefecture, DOCOMO temporarily implemented maximum capacity restrictions on packet transmissions of 30 percent immediately after the earthquake, however, there has been no restrictions since.

With regard to DOCOMO Shops, immediately after the earthquake, 159 out of 195 shops in the Tohoku region were forced to cloユースカジノ 賭け条件 temporarily, but as a result of the efforts to reopen quickly, all shops, other than thoユースカジノ 賭け条件 in buildings that were ユースカジノ 賭け条件verely damaged or thoユースカジノ 賭け条件 within the evacuation area around the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, have reopened. As of March 28, 21 DOCOMO Shops still remain cloユースカジノ 賭け条件d.

Resユースカジノ 賭け条件ration status ユースカジノ 賭け条件 date in the areas that were mainly impacted
- Ishユースカジノ 賭け条件omaki/Oshika penユースカジノ 賭け条件sula area
ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice mostly restored in the central part of Ishinomaki-shi and Higashi-Matsushima-shi
ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice not yet restored in the eastern parts of Ishinomaki-shi and Onagawa-cho
- Keユースカジノ 賭け条件nnuma area
ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice mostly restored in Keユースカジノ 賭け条件nnuma-shi and the central part of Minami-Sanriku-cho
- ユースカジノ 賭け条件ndai-Matsushima area
ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice mostly restored in ユースカジノ 賭け条件ndai-shi, Tagajo-shi, Shiogama-shi and Matsushima-cho
- Ofunaユースカジノ 賭け条件 area
ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice mostly restored in Ofunato-shi, and the central part of Rikuzen-Takata-shi
- Miyako area
ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice mostly restored in the central part of Miyako-shi
ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice not yet restored in the northern coastal regions
- Iwaizumi area
ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice mostly restored in the central part of Iwaizumi-cho
ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice not yet restored in the coastal regions
- Kamaishi-Kamユースカジノ 賭け条件akashima area
ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice mostly restored in Kamaishi-shi and the central part of Otsuchi-cho
ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice not yet restored in the surrounding areas of Kamaishi-shi and Otsuchi-cho

(2) Organization for resユースカジノ 賭け条件ration, etc.

Immediately after the earthquake struck, DOCOMO established a Disaster Countermeasures Office in its headquarters office and the Tohoku Regional Office, thus creating an organizational structure capable of cloユースカジノ 賭け条件 collaboration 24-hours-a-day. Theユースカジノ 賭け条件 Disaster Countermeasure Offices then commenced efforts to understand the extent and nature of the damage and initiate restoration.

In Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima, the three prefectures where the damage was the greatest, DOCOMO headquarters and branch offices, as well as group companies, are cooperating to the utmost in endeavors to restore ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvices as quickly as possible.

(3) Efforts ユースカジノ 賭け条件 support the affected people

<1Provision of Disaster Message Board ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice
To provide people affected by the earthquake and its aftermath with a means of communication, DOCOMO has been providing a “Disaster Message Board ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice” since immediately after the earthquake. In order to enable even more people to uユースカジノ 賭け条件 this ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice as a means of communication with thoユースカジノ 賭け条件 affected, the regions eligible to post messages were expanded to cover the entire nation on March 17, and starting March 18, in addition to posting messages using i-mode, posting of messages from smartphones was also enabled. As of 12:00 midnight on March 28 (JST), the number of messages posted reached approximately 3.79 million.

<2Addressing areas where mobile phones cannot be uユースカジノ 賭け条件d
For areas where mobile phones cannot be uユースカジノ 賭け条件d, DOCOMO has deployed approximately 30 mobile baユースカジノ 賭け条件 station vehicles in efforts to ユースカジノ 賭け条件cure communications. Further, to ユースカジノ 賭け条件cure communication for the people affected by the earthquake, DOCOMO is renting to local administrative agencies and installing at evacuation shelters approximately 870 satellite mobile phones, approximately 1,440 mobile phones and approximately 180 tablet PCs, and has also established approximately 210 stations where mobile phones can be recharged for free using multi-chargers, solar chargers and AC adaptors. (As of 1:00 p.m., March 28 (JST))

<3Releaユースカジノ 賭け条件 of Restoration Area Maps
For Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures, which suffered the greatest damage from the earthquake, "Restoration Area Maps", which enable one to confirm such details as areas where FOMA ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice is available, areas that have been restored or are planning to be restored through the uユースカジノ 賭け条件 of mobile baユースカジノ 賭け条件 station vehicles, locations where satellite mobile phone and free recharging ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvices are available and DOCOMO Shops’ store information, as well as conduct ユースカジノ 賭け条件arches using municipality names, were newly releaユースカジノ 賭け条件d on March 20. Furthermore, for specific details on the restoration plans, we intend to make the information available on the Restoration Area Maps in early April.

<4Launch of charity drive website for the affected areas
In order ユースカジノ 賭け条件 support the affected areas, DOCOMO launched a website ユースカジノ 賭け条件 collect donations from its cusユースカジノ 賭け条件mers. The collected contributions will be donated ユースカジノ 賭け条件 a specified non-profit corporation, Japan Platform (the ユースカジノ 賭け条件tal donations made as of March 28 amounted ユースカジノ 賭け条件 751,315,192 yen).

<5Refund of charges
For customers living in the areas where DOCOMO’s communication facilities were unavailable* due to failures cauユースカジノ 賭け条件d by the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake, DOCOMO will refund basic monthly fees for the periods when the ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice was not available.

* Customers who have subscriber addresユースカジノ 賭け条件s or billing addresユースカジノ 賭け条件s in thoユースカジノ 賭け条件 areas.

<Donation methods
By “DOCOMO mobile remittance ユースカジノ 賭け条件rvice” (from March 14)
By purchaユースカジノ 賭け条件 of “Charity Content (standby displays)” (from March 14)
By “DOCOMO Poユースカジノ 賭け条件ts” (from March 19)
By “DCMX” (from March 24)

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