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ユースカジノ 系列
ユースカジノ 系列

Profit and Loss, Adjusted ユースカジノ 系列 Reflect the Impact of the Special Loss on Disposal of PCB Waste
(Provision of Reユースカジノ 系列e for Environmental Measures)

[Accounting Unit: Category 1 Deユースカジノ 系列gnated Facilities Management Buユースカジノ 系列ness]

[Accounting Unit: Category 1 Deユースカジノ 系列gnated Facilities Usage Buユースカジノ 系列ness]
Note 1: Figures rounded down ユースカジノ 系列 the nearest 100 million yen.
Note 2: “General Category I Designated Facilities” refers to facilities that relate to, from among the functions set forth in the Interconnection Charge Rules (Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications Order No. 64 of 2000), Article 4, Table 6-2, general router connection routing and transmission functions, general relay router connection routing and transmission functions, and interconnection gateway switch connection routing and transmission functions; facilities relating to those functions set forth in Table 6-3 of the same article; and those facilities relating to session control provided in conjunction with SIP ユースカジノ 系列ers.
Note 3: The special loss on PCB waste disposal (provision of reユースカジノ 系列e for environmental measures), 6.0 billion yen, is recorded in the financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2014. 4.4 billion yen of this loss is reported above for the impact corresponding to the telecommunications business.

ユースカジノ 系列terconnection Accountユースカジノ 系列g Report for the Year Ended March31, 2014
ユースカジノ 系列

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