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HOMEユースカジノ 出金時間News Releaユースカジノユースカジノ 出金時間ユースカジノ 出金時間, 2017

News Release

ユースカジノ 出金時間, 2017

This English text is a translation of ユースカジノ 出金時間. ユースカジノ 出金時間 is authoritative.

March 1, 2016

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation (“ユースカジノ 出金時間”) today submitted its business operation plan for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017 to the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications for approval.

Information and communications services are expected to make significant contributions to the invigoration and increased efficiency of social and economic activities, improvements in lifestyle convenience ユースカジノ 出金時間 vitalization of local economies. Accordingly, the government ユースカジノ 出金時間 private sector are working in partnership to achieve the development of a ubiquitous broadband network society in which there is an advanced level of utilization of ICT.

Moreover, the information and telecommunications market is undergoing a structural change as a result of the shift to broadband and globalization, ユースカジノ 出金時間 the spread of smart devices and social media. The market is catering to increasingly sophisticated and diversified needs and patterns of usage by, among other things, utilizing IoT and Big Data ユースカジノ 出金時間 expanding platform services and cloud services. Regional telecommunications markets are also undergoing significant changes, such as the convergence of fixed and mobile services, and of telecommunications and broadcasting, and the introduction of new services as a result of the use of a diverse range of wireless devices. This is due in part to an increase in competition not only between the providers of fiber-optic access services and cable television-based broadband services but also between the various services made available by faster mobile connections.

Within this challenging and dramatically changing business environment, ユースカジノ 出金時間 is striving to promote the smooth migration to optical, IP-based networks and enhance the fiber-optic access network that is the backbone of broadband services, as well as continue to provide high-quality, stable universal services. ユースカジノ 出金時間 also aims to contribute to the development of fair telecommunications markets and promote applied research and development to ensure the reliability and public utilization of telecommunications services.

While strictly adhering to fair terms of competition within the current legal framework and encouraging thorough compliance, ユースカジノ 出金時間 also aim to realize a broadband and ubiquitous network environment that will enable customers to connect “anytime, anywhere and with anyone or anything” and “in comfort, safety and with peace of mind.” ユースカジノ 出金時間 achieve this by offering an open next-generation network (“NGN”) that utilizes the unique characteristics of fiber optics and by expanding its Wi-Fi platform. At the same time, ユースカジノ 出金時間 endeavor to contribute to the development of an information distribution society and the creation of a new lifestyle by expanding the use of fiber-optic services, including the provision of “various lower-rate plans that match each customer’s patterns of usage” and “a variety of other services.”

These are the basic concepts that underlie the business plan for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017. In its broadband services, NTT West expects to provide a more comfortable, safer and more secure NGN. In addition, ユースカジノ 出金時間 strive to provide customers with greater convenience by developing Hikari Denwa services that make use of fiber-optic access lines, video distribution services, and services for corporate users, as well as by providing the Hikari Collaboration Model to a wide-range of service providers in an appropriate and fair manner, and promoting collaborations in order to create new services. NTT West also plans to maintain its community-oriented sales activities in order to respond to customers’ opinions and requests in an appropriate and timely manner, improving both the range and quality of services and contributing to the development of local communities. In conjunction with this, and in recognition of its responsibilities as an operator of social infrastructure, ユースカジノ 出金時間 aim to contribute to the creation of a safe and secure society by seeking to ensure the stable provision of its broadband access, Hikari Denwa and other services, attempting to prevent equipment failures, strengthening facilities countermeasures in preparation for possible large-scale disasters, responding vigorously to restore service in times of disaster, and bringing all of its group resources to bear on activities and services that will earn the continued trust of its customers. Amid a difficult business environment, ユースカジノ 出金時間 strive to continue to improve the efficiency of its operations so as to maintain profitability.

ユースカジノ 出金時間 work to lay the foundations for the stable development of its business into the future by proactively working to facilitate connectivity and ensure the openness of its networks, actively promoting human resource development, expanding into new business areas in coordination with its group companies, and making a positive contribution to reducing its burden on the environment. As these policies and programs bear fruit, ユースカジノ 出金時間 endeavor to share the benefits with its customers, local communities and, through its holding company, its shareholders.

ユースカジノ 出金時間 foresees a decrease primarily in voice-related revenues in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017, but will respond flexibly to the changing business environment by prioritizing the following items, as called for by the concepts and strategies outlined above.

1. Voice transmission services

(1) ユースカジノ 出金時間

ユースカジノ 出金時間 aim to promptly respond to all demands for telephone subscriptions, including the relocation of existing lines, and forecasts that it will have approximately 9.35 million subscriptions by the close of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017.

Item ユースカジノ 出金時間 (subscriptions)
Additional installations (0.68) million
Relocations 1.00 million

(2) ユースカジノ 出金時間 telephones

As social welfare programs continue to expand and develop, social demand for welfare-oriented telecommunications services has increased. In response to this need, ユースカジノ 出金時間 plans to continue to promote the provision of welfare-oriented products, such as its “Silver Phone series” (“Anshin” (relief), “Meiryo” (clearness), “Hibiki” (sound) and “Fureai” (communication)).

Item ユースカジノ 出金時間 (units)
ユースカジノ 出金時間 Anshin (relief) 2,500
Meiryo (clearness) 0

(3) ユースカジノ 出金時間

NTT West plans to continue to maintain public telephone facilities to ensure public safety and meet the minimum requirements for providing a public means of communication. At the same time, ユースカジノ 出金時間 review its plan with respect to underutilized public telephones, and will also strive to provide social welfare services by continuing the maintenance of wheelchair-accessible public telephone booths.

Item ユースカジノ 出金時間 (units)
ユースカジノ 出金時間 (2,000)

(4) Integrated digital communications services

The total numbers of INS-Net 64 subscriber lines and INS-Net 1500 subscriber lines are projected to be approximately 1.158 million and 8,000, respectively, ユースカジノ 出金時間, 2017.

Item ユースカジノ 出金時間 (circuits)
ユースカジノ 出金時間 (117,000)
ユースカジノ 出金時間 (1,000)

2. Data transmission services

To respond to the increasing demand for broadband services, ユースカジノ 出金時間 endeavor to expand its fiber-optic access services and provide a wider range of services.

Item ユースカジノ 出金時間 (contracts)
ユースカジノ 出金時間;S Hikari* 0.30 million
  • *Figures for ユースカジノ 出金時間;S Hikari include subscribers to the Hikari Collaboration Model.

3. ユースカジノ 出金時間 services

Subscriptions for conventional leased circuits and high-speed digital transmission circuits are projected to total approximately 116,000 and 40,000, respectively, ユースカジノ 出金時間, 2017.

Item ユースカジノ 出金時間 (circuits)
Conventional ユースカジノ 出金時間s (4,000)
ユースカジノ 出金時間 (11,000)

4. ユースカジノ 出金時間

ユースカジノ 出金時間 conduct maintenance of its systems in order to promote the enhancement and operational efficiency of its telegraph services.

5. Improvement and advances in telecommunications facilities

(1) Optical access networks

ユースカジノ 出金時間 plans to efficiently promote the shift to the use of fiber optics in its access network in response to, among other things, the demand for broadband services.

Item ユースカジノ 出金時間 (million fiber km)
Optical subscriber cables 0.8

(Coverage rate ユースカジノ 出金時間 end of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017 is expected to be 93%.)

(2) ユースカジノ 出金時間

In its telecommunications network, ユースカジノ 出金時間 aim to upgrade network services and improve network economy and efficiency, among other things, while working to meet demand for broadband services.

(3) ユースカジノ 出金時間

ユースカジノ 出金時間 expects to take necessary measures in response to disasters. Such measures would include disaster prevention measures to prepare for damage to telecommunications equipment and facilities, securing lines for emergency communications, strengthening its organizational structure for crisis management and restoring systems in the event of large-scale disasters, and supporting information distribution after a disaster.

(4) Underground installation of transmission cables

In order to improve the reliability of communications facilities, ensure safe and pleasant roads and other transit areas, and enhance the appearance of the urban landscape, ユースカジノ 出金時間 work in coordination with the national and local governments and with other companies in installing transmission cables underground.

(5) Facility maintenance

ユースカジノ 出金時間 conduct necessary cable maintenance and replacement to provide stable and high-quality services and ensure quality customer services, safe operations, harmonization with the social environment and stabilization of communications systems.

ユースカジノ 出金時間 seek to minimize costs by making full use of existing equipment and facilities in improving and upgrading communications facilities.

6. Promotion of researcユースカジノ 出金時間 development activities

ユースカジノ 出金時間 promote experimental and research measures and policies for technical areas by focusing on the following three points, in order to realize a “social information infrastructure network” in response to the needs of its customers and corporate businesses, among others.

  1. (1)Review of network technologies for IoT (such as low-latency processing and next generation wireless networks) and new services for IoT to promote open innovation ユースカジノ 出金時間 utilization of IoT and AI technologies to realize new communication services.
  2. (2)Review the realization of cost-effective, high-speed and high capacity networks ユースカジノ 出金時間 a sophisticated/simplified operations practice, and the migration from PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) to IP network.
  3. (3)Review of security technologies for providing safe and secure networks and platforms ユースカジノ 出金時間 the review of security operation measures for further advancement/automation of such technologies.

ユースカジノ 出金時間 tables present an overview of the business plan for the above principal services and capital investment plans.

ユースカジノ 出金時間 information, please contact:

Business Management Unit,
Corporate Strategy Planning Department
ユースカジノ 出金時間
Tel: +81-6-4793-3521

ユースカジノ 出金時間 PDF Download(PDF Type 189KB)

* Information is current as of the date of issue of the individual press release.
Please be advised that information may be outdated after that point.


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