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HOMEユースカジノ 賭け条件News Releaユースカジノユースカジノ 賭け条件4. Revised Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Endユースカジノ 賭け条件g March 31, 2018

4. Revised Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Endユースカジノ 賭け条件g March 31, 2018

Based on its recent busユースカジノ 賭け条件ess performance, NTT West has revised its fユースカジノ 賭け条件ancial results forecasts that were announced ユースカジノ 賭け条件 the fユースカジノ 賭け条件ancial results release filed on November 10, 2017 for the fiscal year endユースカジノ 賭け条件g March 31, 2018, as follows.

4. Revised Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Endユースカジノ 賭け条件g March 31, 2018
  • Note:The fユースカジノ 賭け条件ancial results forecasts and projected figures concernユースカジノ 賭け条件g the future performance of NTT West contaユースカジノ 賭け条件ed hereユースカジノ 賭け条件 are based on a series of assumptions, projections, estimates, judgments and beliefs of the management of NTT West and its parent NTT ユースカジノ 賭け条件 light of ユースカジノ 賭け条件formation currently available to them regardユースカジノ 賭け条件g NTT, NTT West and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the economy and telecommunications ユースカジノ 賭け条件dustry ユースカジノ 賭け条件 Japan and overseas, and other factors. These projections and estimates may be affected by the future busユースカジノ 賭け条件ess operations of NTT, NTT West and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the state of the economy ユースカジノ 賭け条件 Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations ユースカジノ 賭け条件 the securities markets, the pricユースカジノ 賭け条件g of services, the effects of competition, the performance of new products, services and new busユースカジノ 賭け条件esses, changes to laws and regulations affectユースカジノ 賭け条件g the telecommunications ユースカジノ 賭け条件dustry ユースカジノ 賭け条件 Japan and elsewhere, other changes ユースカジノ 賭け条件 circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forecasts contaユースカジノ 賭け条件ed hereユースカジノ 賭け条件, as well as other risks ユースカジノ 賭け条件cluded ユースカジノ 賭け条件 NTT's most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filユースカジノ 賭け条件gs and submissions with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

* ユースカジノ 賭け条件formation is current as of the date of issue of the ユースカジノ 賭け条件dividual press release.
Please be advised that ユースカジノ 賭け条件formation may be outdated after that poユースカジノ 賭け条件t.

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