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Offering end to end support for both employer and employee, our customised programs seek to minimise business risk and provide individuals with the knowledge, skills and confidence to engage with the market in a timely and supported manner.

Designed to support both organisations and individuals betmgm live bettingthrough the employee separation process, our tailored programs provide not only career transition support, but also connection with a network of returning expats who understand the challenges and nuances of navigating a transition in a market that they have largely been working outside of.

Developed not only to assist professionals navigate their departure expediently and with relevant advice, structured support, dignity and respect, the program offers individuals:

Immediate support to manage change and the emotional aspects of redundancy and job loss
A career review and self assessment to understand how career drivers and best betmgm slotsambitions inform future decisions and pathways
Clear understanding of how their knowledge, skills and style applies in today’s market
Support to build the fundamental tools for transition: CV, LinkedIn, Bios
Coaching to engage with networks, recruitment providers and interview processes
Confidence to negotiate and manage salary and contract terms for new opportunities
Personalised introductions to the InSync Network Group and broader professional networks

Programs typically vary between three and twelve months and can be tailored to suit individual needs, timelines and budgets. All programs are conducted in a highly confidential BetMGM login appmanner and can be complimented with additional professional expertise relevant to individual circumstances.

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Book a call to discuss our programs and how we can help you and your returning expat employees today.

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If you would like further details on any of our programs and how we can work together please get in touch.