ユースカジノ 系列
ユースカジノ 系列 Telephone
Distance Between Service Areas | Call duration for 10 yen (including tax) |
Local area | 56.0 sec. |
Adjacent areas and up to 20 km away | |
20 km to 30 km | |
30 km to 40 km | |
40 km to ユースカジノ 系列 | |
ユースカジノ 系列 to 80 km | |
80 km to 100 km | |
100 km to 1ユースカジノ 系列 | |
Over 1ユースカジノ 系列 |
ユースカジノ 系列 cellphone
Call Distance Between Service Areas | Call duration for 10 yen (including tax) |
All time | |
All Areas | 15.5 sec |
Please click here for charges of calls to IP telephones
(numbers prefixed by 050).