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Top PageDisaster Prevention Countermeasures

ユースカジノ イージープラン Disaster Prevention Countermeasures

Measures to secure calls from those affected in the event of a large-scale disaster or traffic accident.

Offering ユースカジノ イージープランs free-of-charge

In order to avoid the possibility that ユースカジノ イージープランs may become inoperable due to full coin boxes or power failures that prevent using a card, calls from existing ユースカジノ イージープランs can be made free-of-charge if such measures are considered necessary.

  • Note: When a card other than our telephone card (other company's cards) is used, the call will not be toll-free. For more information, please refer to the other card companies.

How to use ユースカジノ イージープランs when toll-free calls are available during a time of disaster

ユースカジノ イージープランs without a red emergency call button

picture of Digital ユースカジノ イージープランs
Lift the receiver, then you will hear a dial tone (continuous beep).
Dial a number.

ユースカジノ イージープランs with a red emergency call button

red emergency call buttonpicture of Analog ユースカジノ イージープランs (green)
Lift the receiver.
Deposit coins, or insert a telephone card, then you will hear a dial tone (continuous beep).
Dial a number.
Review 24-626

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