국제 비즈니스

국제 비즈니스

CYPC는 대규모 발전소의 규제, 운영, 유지 보수 및 기술 개선에서 기술, 경험, 재능 및 마카오 카지노 후기 시스템의 장점을 활용하여 국제 운영 및 마카오 카지노 후기 능력을 계속 개선하고 개발을 촉진했습니다. 국제 발전소의 운영 및 유지 마카오 카지노 후기 및 기술 상담.

운영 및 유지 마카오 카지노 후기 및 상담
  • Murum HPP in Malaysia
    Murum Hydropower Plant (Murum HPP) is located in the East Sarawak State of Malaysia, and the dam is located on the Murum River, which is the source of Rajang river basin. The power station is equipped with four hydroelectric generating units with a single unit capacity of 236 MW. The total installed capacity of the power station...
  • llha Solteira and Jupia Hydropower Plants in Bra...
    In 2015, China Three Gorges (Brasil) Energia Ltda (CTG Brasil) successfully won the 30-year concession right of Jupia and llha Solteira Hydropower Plants. This allowed CTG to realize a new upgrade for China’s hydropower “going global,” and accelerated its process to achieve cross-border operation and become a leader in global hy...
  • The Pakistan Wind Power Project
    The Wind Power Project is located in the Jampier area of Tata, Sindh Province, southern Pakistan. It has three wind farms, which are built in two phases. The Project's total installed capacity is 148.5 MW. Among which, the Phase I
  • Pakistan Karot Hydropower Station
    Pakistan Karot Hydropower Station is a project invested and constructed by CTG under the framework of national strategy "the Belt and Road Initiative"。the guaranteed output of 116.1 MW。